Hi everyone.

For several months my smtp is harassing by someone located in Taiwan.
This people is using any taiwanese IP.
My logs are ful with this something like this:

Apr 23 06:35:31 corellia postfix/smtpd[26906]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT
from unknown[]: 554 5.7.1 <wa...@163.com>: Recipient
address rejected: Relay access denied; from=<p...@dumpsize.com>
to=<wa...@163.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<zyh-4b482e797ce>
Apr 23 06:35:31 corellia postfix/smtpd[26906]: warning: restriction
`reject_unauth_destination' after `check_relay_domains' is ignored

At least blocking all of Taiwanese IPs. Does anyone has idea to counter
strike this people?

Olivier Pavilla
"Les fautes d'orthographes de mes propos sont sous licence Ane bâté 1.0"

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