On 2012-04-26 Jon Miller wrote:
> I'm experiencing a problem in my mail logs that keeps showing the
> following message:
> Apr 26 11:33:41 mmtlnx postfix/qmgr[2798]: warning: connect to
> transport smtp-amavis: Connection refused
> I've gone through every file in /etc/postfix and cannot find any
> reference of this message, I've checked chkconfig to make sure that
> amavis is turned off and it was, I'm at a lost atm.

Instead of saying what you don't have, please provide the information
that you have. Particularly the contents of your master.cf and the
output of "postconf -n".

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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