On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:58:32AM -0700, kar...@mailcan.com wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012, at 01:47 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> > > I'd still think that a local check by Postfix to an 'auto-expiring hash
> > > table' (unclear so far it that can be done) to which the 'bad' address
> > 
> > Each Postfix SMTP server caches its own DNSBL lookup results.  Those
> > results are not shared with other Postfix processes. 

This is nice, I didn't knew about this.

> > The in-process cache saves time when one message has multiple
> > recipients, and the DNSBL check is done once per recipient in
> > smtpd_recipient_restrictions.
> Does a single "Postfix SMTP server" process instance remain
> resident/open across multiple connections?  Or is a new one spawned for
> each connection, or perhaps after some delay, load or other trigger?
> If it's the former, and I understand this right, then the two
> somewhat-concurrent connections from the same spamhaus-banned IP, as
> referenced in my OP,
>  Apr 26 11:13:07 liam postfix/smtpd[22946]: connect from


>  Apr 26 11:13:32 liam postfix/smtpd[22946]: connect from


> ARE using the Postfix 'internal' DNSBL cache?  How do I learn/observe
> that use of the cached value from logs?

You can observe the PID (22946 in this case). If it is the same, the in
process cache will be hit.



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