
I'm stuck right now and need some help. I have a webserver that sends out reports if the users exceed their diskquouta, however it sends to the local user like this: patric.f@lnxweb1.local

I made and alias for that address so it goes to the right address and everything, but it still says it's to patric.f@lnxweb1.local
Is this possible to change this?

On the webserver I have Postfix configured as a "null client": http://www.postfix.org/STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README.html#null_client And I use my real mailserver, running Postfix, as relayhost to send it over the internet.

I want to "rewrite" the mail on my webserver so it will be sent to my internet-facing mailserver with the real emailaddress in it from the beginning.

To: patric.f@lnxweb1.local should be To: patri...@domain.com

Is it possible to achieve this?


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