On 2012-05-09 Dennis Putnam wrote:
> I have recently migrated from Mandriva to CentOS and am have the
> return of an old problem. My ISP requires that I go through their
> reply to send mail. That is all working with the exception of the
> generated from address. They require that I have a valid FDQN in the
> from response. This was all working with my Mandriva main.cf but
> CentOS apparently has a newer version of Postfix (6.2.2) and the
> config files are not 100% compatible. I had to manually create the
> equivalent settings based on the old main.cf. That seemed
> straightforward enough however, the from response is being rejected
> by my ISP because the domain on the from response is being picked up
> from /etc/hosts (which is a fake local domain) rather than the
> 'myorigin' parameter in main.cf. I cannot find how I fixed this on
> the old OS but obviously I am missing some parameter somewhere that
> sets the from FDQN to what my ISP requires.
> Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

As requested per <http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#mail>, please
post the output of "postconf -n" and a log excerpt demonstrating the

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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