Le 17/05/2012 00:51, Masegaloeh a écrit :
> Hi, Postfix List
> I would like to build the script which analyze maillog and produce a
> report of every email delivery. My server currently act as relay
> server between internal mail server and Internet. My final purpose,
> when I query a sender and/or recipient, I will know if the rejection
> occurs or not.
> As far as I know, the rejection would triggered in smtpd and cleanup.
> When analyze rejection on smtpd, we have no problem because the
> postfix will record sender and every recipient. But when header_checks
> and body_checks kicks in via cleanup daemon, the log just shows queue
> id, sender and *last recipient*. So if the message contains multiple
> recipient, I will not able to tracking every rejected recipient.
> To help understanding my problem, here the demo
> #telnet mx 25
> Trying
> Connected to mx.domain.org.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220  ESMTP
> MAIL FROM:<f...@server.domain.org>
> 250 2.1.0 Ok
> RCPT TO:<us...@mx.domain.org>
> 250 2.1.5 Ok
> RCPT TO:<us...@mx.domain.org>
> 250 2.1.5 Ok
> RCPT TO:<us...@mx.domain.org>
> 250 2.1.5 Ok
> 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
> x-header: momomo
> test
> data
> .
> 550 5.7.1 GET OUT
> MAILLOG in postfix server
> May 16 17:30:14 mx postfix/smtpd[1308]: connect from
> server.domain.org[]
> May 16 17:30:40 mx postfix/smtpd[1308]: 30EBB38A:
> client=server.domain.org[]
> May 16 17:31:21 mx postfix/cleanup[1312]: 30EBB38A: reject: header
> x-header: momomo from server.domain.org[];
> from=<f...@server.domain.org> to=<us...@mx.domain.org> proto=SMTP:
> 5.7.1 GET OUT
> May 16 17:34:59 mx postfix/smtpd[1308]: disconnect from
> server.domain.org[]
> So, I expected that postfix keep logging that 3 recipient (user1,
> user2, user3) was rejected, not just user3. Can I achieved that? Or
> there is a other way?
> Thanks a lot for your answer

you can add a "WARN" rule in smtpd restrictions to log the full infos.
you can then correlate all the stuff.

here is an example (assuming a recent postfix. otherwise, adjust to your


smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
        check_reverse_client_hostname_access    ${pcre}/action_log

$ cat /etc/postfix/maps/pcre/action_log.pcre:
/(.*)/  WARN Transaction logged: PTR=$1

then you would see logs like:

... postfix/smtpd[65432]: NOQUEUE: warn: RCPT from      
        unknown[]:59012: Transaction logged:
        PTR=host.example.com; from=<j...@example.com>
        to=<j...@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<host.example.com>
(the reason I use check_reverse_client_hostname_access is in case the
hostname is "unknown" but the IP has a PTR, as in this made-up example).

then your parser should check the pid (65432 in the example) and the
client IP ( in the example). then get the queueid from the log
line that contains

... postfix/smtpd[65432]: 30EBB38A:

this gives you the queuid (30EBB38A in this example).

PS. if your postfix is recent, consider using
enable_long_queue_ids = yes

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