On 2012-05-23 Loïc Latreille wrote:
> I would check if a string is present in the message body only if the
> "To" field is equal to "j...@example.org".
> I tried to use IF...ENDIF but it doesn't work because the pattern
> between IF and ENDIF doesn't match the same input string that the IF
> pattern.
> A part of the body :
> ...
> To: JDOE <j...@example.org>
> From: "t...@otherexample.org" <t...@otherexample.org>
> X-Email-Type-Id: TT123MM
> ...
> My pcre table for the body_checks :
> IF /To: JDOE <jdoe@example\.org>/
> /X-Email-Type-Id: TT123MM/ REDIRECT m...@example.org

AFAICS these are headers and thus not processed by body_checks. Also, as
documented, checks are processed one line at a time, meaning that nested
matches can only operate on the same line.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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