I am looking to switch one or more of my blacklists to run from
postscreen.   I send custom replies based on the blacklist, which
reduces the number of calls I get.  The relevant part of my current

smtpd_client_restrictions =
        reject_rbl_client zen.local,
        reject_rbl_client b.barracudacentral.org

rbl_reply_maps = hash:$config_directory/rbl_reply_maps

# Spamhaus rbls (all in one)
zen.local $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what]
blocked because it has been blacklisted. : To be removed from this
blacklist please visit: http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=$rbl_what

# Barracuda Central Reputation System
b.barracudacentral.org $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class
[$rbl_what] blocked because it has been blacklisted. : To be removed
from this blacklist please visit:

I do not see any way to set the response text when using postscreen.
I see postscreen_dnsbl_reply_map, but it looks like that just changes
the domain (ie zen.local to zen.spamhaus.org) not the reply text.   Is
there any way to set the postscreen DNSBL reply message?



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