Hello all having a problem getting postfix to send email, i think its sort of 
related to virtual machine/LAN/WAN/MX i'm sure its a simple fix but i cannot 
seem to get postfix to do what i want when i try to send email to myseld i get 
the following errors in the mail.log 

May 31 18:03:13 erp postfix/pickup[9738]: 801FE27599: uid=0 from=<root> 
May 31 18:03:13 erp postfix/cleanup[10069]: 801FE27599: 
May 31 18:03:13 erp postfix/qmgr[29637]: 801FE27599: 
from=<r...@erp.computerking.ca>, size=323, nrcpt=1 (queue active) 
May 31 18:03:34 erp postfix/smtp[10072]: connect to 
mx1.computerking.ca[204.X.X.X]:25: Connection timed out 
May 31 18:03:34 erp postfix/smtp[10072]: 801FE27599: to=<r...@computerking.ca>, 
relay=none, delay=21, delays=0.09/0.01/21/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred 
(connect to mx1.computerking.ca[]:25: Connection timed out) 

This machine is on the same LAN as the server its ip is and the 
server is however these machines are all virtual on the same 
hardware. As seen in the logs postfix trys to deliver to the external ip 
204.X.X.X where sure enough it get disconnected and im not sure why however i 
can connect to postfix on using the interal IP 

telnet 25 
Connected to 
Escape character is '^]'. 
220 mx1.computerking.ca ESMTP Postfix \ 

I have added mx1.computerking..ca to the hosts file to try and fix things and 
now i can even telnet to the hostname since i added the LAN ip in hosts 

telnet mx1.computerking.ca 25 
Connected to mx1.computerking.ca. 
Escape character is '^]'. 
220 mx1.computerking.ca ESMTP Postfix 

However Postfix insists on sending to the external ip address probably an mx 
record thing and i telnet does not work there 
telnet 25 
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out 

I'm not sure why the vm cannot connect to the other vm on the external ip, but 
is there anyway to make postfix use the LAN address or is there a better way to 
fix this? 

I ha 

Computer King CaN-Mail Surveillance King 

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