> yes, but you are missing that this message is the answer of postgrey which
> only redirected via postfix to the client, from the view of SMTP it is 450

That's OK -- postgrey is supplying me with useful information which quickly
leads me to the answer to my question: why is this message 450?

> in my opinion it would even be better not say to the delivering server
that he
> is greylisted - the only thing which he needs to know is 4xx and if he
acts RFS
> conform all is fine ________________________

I don't think it's better to give less information. The RFC's are great for
the machines and the programmers, but as an admin, I want to be able to get
to the heart of the problem as quickly as possible. There are many reasons
why something could be 4.x.x

When I read "Service is Unavailable" as an admin, I think there is a
misconfiguration with the server or some other issue. These messages are
there for us, not the computers, so they might as well be as descriptive as
possible -- not less so. That's my opinion anyways.

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