
I'm trying to configure an additional subdomain for the domain I use for e-mails, but I'm having some trouble with it, 99.9% due to DNS.

Each time I try to send an e-mail outside my network I get the following error:

myaddr...@gmail.com: host devels.es[] said: 550-Verification
    failed for<n...@subdomain.devels.es>  550-The mail server could not deliver 
    to<n...@subdomain.devels.es>. The account or domain may not exist, they may 
    blacklisted, or missing the proper dns entries. 550 Sender verify failed
    (in reply to RCPT TO command)

Suppose my domain is devels.es and I want to enable subdomain.devels.es to use devels.es as relay.

I added the following records:

subdomain.devels.es.  IN A
subdomain.devels.es.  IN MX 0 mail.devels.es

mail.devels.es is the server where Postfix is running.

Is there anything I'm missing?

Thanks in advance!


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