On 2012-06-14 Giuseppe Perna wrote:
>  I allow relaying only to the hosts declared in main.cf file and users
> are in the file / etc / passwd. postmaster is the user in this file. I
> can confidently change the password or disable the user postmaster?
> I'm not going to cause damage to the Postfix configuration?

The postmaster address is a role address (see RFC 2142) and should not
be a mailbox (and thus not have a login) in the first place. It's common
practice to alias that address to one or more user mailboxes.

Changing the IMAP password to a postmaster mailbox will not change
anything about mail routing in Postfix. Postfix is not an IMAP server
and will thus not be affected by changes to your IMAP configuration.

It's also unwise to make all local user accounts valid mail recipients.
Better set

  local_recipient_maps = $alias_maps

in main.cf and explicitly specify which local account has a mailbox
associated with it.

> these doors open.
> 22/tcp  open  ssh
> 25/tcp  open  smtp
> 37/tcp  open  time
> 80/tcp  open  http
> 110/tcp open  pop3
> 113/tcp open  auth
> 125/tcp open  locus-map
> 143/tcp open  imap
> 443/tcp open  https

The open ports of your server are unlikely to help with identifying the

> this is my configuration:
> #postconf -n
> mydestination = $mydomain,esempio.it (local domain)

I may be wrong, but I don't believe $mydestination should contain
something like " (local domain)".

> relay_domains = $mydestination

This is wrong. $relay_domains MUST NOT contain $mydestination. See
<http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_CLASS_README.html> for more details.

Also, your postconf output didn't show $smtpd_*_restrictions, so your
server is running on default values in this respect:

  smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination

This means that your Postfix doesn't allow user authentication in the
first place, so it accepts mail only from pickup and $mynetworks.

That said, your log excerpt does not provide sufficinet information to
determine how exactly the suspected spam entered your server. Find the
queue ID of such an e-mail (e.g. 23094B81BD7) and run the command

  grep QUEUE_ID /var/log/mail.log

replacing QUEUE_ID with the actual queue ID (and /var/log/mail.log with
the path to your actual mail log). Also make sure that the lines are not
truncated like they were in the log snippet from your first mail.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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