John Doe wrote:
From: Ansgar Wiechers <>

On 2012-06-18 Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
  Are there any High Availability Solution for Postfix SMTP Server meaning
  primary and secondary nodes in Active/Active or Active/Passive Clustering
Please describe the problem you're trying to solve instead of what you
perceive as the solution.
I will try to describe his problem:
- Postfix server crashes in flame = problem.
- Any (semi)-automated fallback server solution?
Hence the "High Availability Solution" question...

Well, there's the obvious one, which I use: Simply run Postfix on top of a high availability virtual machine stack.

In my case:
- replicated disks using drbd
- Xen virtual machines
- crm for failover management

All the data is mirrored across two machines. If either a VM or an entire machine crashes, the VM simply restarts on the other node. If you wanted, you could set up Postfix as a managed resource, so that if only the postfix processes die, it gets restarted.

You could probably use drbd and crm to mirror data and failover postfix w/o a VM in the middle.

Take a look at as a starting point.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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