On 2012-06-22 James B. Byrne wrote:
> host2 (PF) --> host3 (PF)
> host3 (PF)
> (has no local domains)
> (has no relay_domains)
> (has no virtual aliases for example.com)
> (has transport entry) "example.com  relay:[host4.local.tld]"
> host3 (PF) --> host4 (SM)
> host4 (SM) is the usual final delivery host for example.com but is not
> listed as an MX for example.com.  Host4 does not accept connections
> from outside its local network segment (IP:a.b.c.0/192).  Host2 and
> host3 are both on the same segment as host4.
> On host3, both etc/postfix/virtual_aliases_regexp and
> /etc/postfix/virtual_aliases are empty files as is
> /etc/postfix/virtual_domains. None of the aliases files contain any
> reference to example.com.
> Given what I have read, with this configuration I expect that host3
> should reject mail for example.com relayed from host2.  But it does
> not, it accepts it and forwards it on to host4.  The forwarding from
> host3 to host4 I expect given that message was accepted by host3. 
> What I do not understand is why it was accepted by host3 to begin
> with.

Check the output of the following commands on host3:

postconf -d mynetworks
postconf -d | grep smtpd_.*_restrictions

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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