On 2012-07-23 Marius Lewies wrote:
> Referring to  Ansgar reply it seems that relay_domains.db is out of
> date.  Ansgar suggested " You need to run the command to convert the
> (plain text) map into the database file that Postfix uses"  How to do
> or else,  where can I find the instruction to do this.  This is the
> test I done.
> root@mxgw:/etc/postfix#   postmap -q vegaspartnerlounge.dk
> hash:/etc/postfix/relay_domains
> postmap: warning: database /etc/postfix/relay_domains.db is older than
> source file /etc/postfix/relay_domains
> root@mxgw:/etc/postfix#

Please re-read my previous mail. Why is $relay_domains still a map in
your config? Change this

  relay_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_domains

into this

  relay_domains = /etc/postfix/relay_domains

and run "/etc/init.d/postfix reload".

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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