On Aug 4, 2012, at 10:08 AM, /dev/rob0 wrote:

> I'm not addressing the subject of the post, but just picking over the 
> configuration snippet.
> On Wed, Aug 01, 2012 at 09:48:45PM -0500, Chad M Stewart wrote:
>> [root@mta01 /usr/local/etc/postfix]# postconf -n|grep postscreen
> [snip]
>> postscreen_client_connection_count_limit = 10
> I'm not sure why you did this. Some MTAs, notably qmail, are likely 
> to assault you with many simultaneous connections. This non-default 
> setting might cause difficulty at times in receiving legitimate mail, 
> albeit from impolite clients.

To limit impolite clients from sucking up my resources.  Just because they want 
to use a fire hose doesn't mean I have to drink at that rate.  If a sending 
system needs more than 10 connections, then maybe they'd better fix their queue 
algorithm.  Starting up and tearing down a connection consumes resources.  More 
efficient to send more than a single message over a connection.  

>> postscreen_dnsbl_sites = sbl.spamhaus.org*1, xbl.spamhaus.org*1, 
>> pbl.spamhaus.org*1
>> postscreen_dnsbl_threshold = 1
> This makes no sense. You make three queries, risking going over the 
> Spamhaus free limit, or your company's paid limit as the case may be, 
> gaining nothing over doing a single Zen lookup.

I'm testing things out.  I'll have to figure out how I can get at the response 
from spamhaus so that I can block/accept as I wish.  I may have a need to not 
block IPs on the PBL list, so if I query zen, then I've got to check the 
response and act accordingly.  I'm not sure how to do that within 
Postfix/postscreen yet.

> Consider a higher threshold and enough lower-scored DNSBLs to be able 
> to reach it. I use postscreen_dnsbl_threshold=3, and score Zen 3. My 
> configuration is essentially what I have posted here in the past.
>> postscreen_greet_banner = "Welcome to our mail server"
> This is non-compliant and a bad idea.

That is prepended to the banner, the banner becomes a multi-line response, with 
the last line being the fqdn of the host.


> -- 
>  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
>  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:
> !DSPAM:2,501d3af626311889815724!

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