I was trying to find a SQL example how to alias email that is addressed 
to everyone at a secondary domain to my primary domain.  I mean:

I have many virtual users set up for example.com, I added a new domain, 
example-2.com and I want any email going to example-2.com to be delivered to 
example.com accounts.  I don't want to use a catchall like 
@example-2.com because I want to reject invalid addresses.

are some other virtual domains on the server so the original query still
 needs to work the same.  The virtual_alias_maps table is two 
columns: addr, dest and of course there may be some addr/dest entries 
for example.com which should work transparently for example-2.com also

 saw some posts saying it should be easy and there are examples, but I 
can't find the examples.  I tried changing my virtual_alias_maps query 
to something like this:

query=(select dest from aliases where addr = '%s') union (select 
'%u...@example.com' from dual where '%d' = 'example-2.com') limit 1

but it acts the same a having a catchall.

So I tried this

query=select dest from aliases where (addr = '%s' or ('%d' = 'example-2.com' 
and addr = '%u...@example.com'))

but it only works if there is an alias entry for the address in the table for 
the address under example.com

Maybe the second one is OK but also requires to change my virtual_mailbox_maps 
to account for the secondary domain?  Like this?

query=select mail from users where (addr = '%s' or ('%d' = 'example-2.com' and 
addr = '%u...@example.com'))

 if that works (it does not - the lookups of valid/invalid recipients 
works better (correctly) but the original address doesn't get rewritten 
so virtual delivery ultimately fails), is there a way to do it ONLY in 
the alias map?

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