Am 06.08.2012 22:54, schrieb email builder:
> I read in for the %d substitution 
> in the query if the lookup is not a full email address with domain, the 
> entire query is not even executed? Is this right?
> If that's the case, you can't do complex queries like:
> select IF('%d' = '', .....
> Even though a query like that might account for the case where %d is null, 
> postfix won't execute it?

how do you come to that conclusion?
below a grep of a since 2009 working config

[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /etc/postfix/mysql* | grep '%d'
query    = select deliver_to from dbmail_aliases where alias='%u@%d' and 
(select count(*) from dbmail_aliases where
alias='%u@%d' and (round(deliver_to)<>0))=0;
query    = select target from dbma_rewrite_domains where source='%d' and 
((select count(*) from dbmail_aliases
where alias=(select concat('%u', (select target from dbma_rewrite_domains where 
source='%d' limit 1)) from
dbma_rewrite_domains limit 1))>0 or (select count(*) from dbmail_aliases where 
alias='%u@' limit 1)>0) limit 1;
query    = select userid from dbmail_users where ((select count(*) from 
dbma_mta where mydestination='%d') > 0 or
(select count(*) from dbma_sender_relay where email='%s') > 0) and user_idnr>3;
query    = select filter from dbma_spamfilter where domain='%d';
query    = select transport from dbma_transports where mydestination='%s' or 
mydestination='%d' order by transport
desc limit 1;

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