
I use virtual_transport and my own script for local delivery:

  virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/vmailbox
  virtual_transport = locdel

  locdel unix - n n - - pipe
    flags=DRXhu user=vmail:vmail 
    argv=/usr/local/bin/MailDelivery.sh ${sender} ${recipient}

If a mail is arriving from smtpd(8) for local delivery via "locdel" and 
"MailDelivery.sh" return error, then mail remains in local queue (if 
temporary error) or generate bounce mail.
    I need to return SMTP-error to sender server without put in local 
queue as well as local(8). Is it possible?

With regards
Michal Kurka - Mysak
sluzby spojene s operacnim systemem Linux

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