Am 12.10.2012 18:47, schrieb Scott Kitterman:
> On Friday, October 12, 2012 12:38:28 PM David Mehler wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This might be off topic, but I was wondering I am using Postfix 2.9.x
>> and am wanting to integrate antivirus capabilities. What are the
>> differences between clamsmtp and clamav-milter? I'm wondering which
>> one would be better for an antivirus setup?
> In situations where I was only doing anti-virus and not anti-spam, I've used 
> clamsmtp for years with no issues.  It hasn't had a release in awhile, but 
> only because it does what it was designed to do and the author decided not to 
> try to make it into a swiss army knife.  I know in Debian/Ubuntu 
> clamav-milter 
> doesn't have a lot of users and does not get heavily tested.  I don't know 
> generally though and have never used it.

i use clamav-milter with 5000 users since years no problems
before i used clamsmtp no problems

milter is before-queue, so youre able to reject infected mails in the
smtp income stage ( very cool )

clamsmtp ist after-queue
like ie typical amavis filter, so you allready have the infected mail in
queue, and have to do something with it ( quarantaine etc ), in germany
its not allowed to i.e delete i.e infected mails which are allready
queued, so at minimum you have to inform the recipient
that he got an infected mail, bouncing to sender is no good option after
queue cause it may be faked

so for low traffic sites clamav-milter is an easy an good option
you can also sanesecurity antispam siganature additional so you have
basic antispam and antivir, clamav-milter is also fast enough scanning
sasl_authed mail by your users outgoing,
i als have combined it with spamass-milter ( but only for unauth income
mail )

for more complex wishes use amavis

> In situation where you are doing both A/V and A/S, then I would integrate 
> clamav with postfix using amavisd-new.
> Scott K

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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