On Sun, 25 Nov 2012 17:08:26 -0600
Stan Hoeppner <s...@hardwarefreak.com> wrote:

> Dennis, how many computer books, or books in general, do you own?  Do
> you have any on display?  Or are they all simply hoarded away in boxes
> in the attic or basement?

Two shelves of books I could use regularly on things various such as
computers and matters spiritual, inclusive of a fictoin collection, and
a small collection of text books from my studies of late.  

Reading Seattle, by the way, is not a bad collection of excerpts.

> The prescribed solution for this problem isn't more newer books, but
> therapy for the personality disorder known as "hoarding".  I think
> there's a "reality" TV show about this.

Well, I got rid of the old DOS and OS/2 Warp books eons ago, when I
disposed of my printed manuals for Maximus and Binkley....

Do understand taht I previously owned the books I noted; the reason I
do not now is because they were lost in a move some time ago, and I'm
just getting to a point where I want to reobtain them.  


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