On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 07:40:24PM +0100, Chris wrote:
> I've been asked to skip RBL checks for certain users on the domain. 
> How can I do that without disabling the for everybody else?

If you're only using good, safe lists, you're only rejecting mail 
which probably should be rejected. What is the goal?

This is not possible if you're using postscreen, which you did not 
mention. In that case perhaps the best solution is to more carefully 
choose the DNSBL services you are using. I can recommend both Zen and 
Barracuda's BRBL as safe and effective for mainstream use. (To the 
point: if you're using those and rejecting real mail, you can be 
certain that you're not the only site they are unable to reach; the 
sending site needs to fix the problems that caused the listing.)

http://www.spamhaus.org/zen/ and

If you're using unsafe and aggressive lists in smtpd restrictions, 
you can implement what you describe by means of restriction classes. 
It's hard work and does not scale well. I have shown an example of 
this in my Postfix/SQLite howto linked from the web address below.


Perhaps a better choice is to write a custom policy service, or to 
tweak an existing one into doing what you need.

  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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