On 12/19/2012 6:40 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 20.12.2012 00:31, schrieb /dev/rob0:

We don't know what you want. What is this certificate to be used for?
Do you want a self-signed certificate, or to run your own CA, or to
submit your CSR to an external CA?
there is no difference between self-signed and submit to external CA
the script below makes crt/csr/pem for any usecase

[root@buildserver:~]$ cat /buildserver/ssl-cert/generate-cert.sh
mkdir $OUT_DIR 2> /dev/null
chmod 700 $OUT_DIR
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
  echo "Wie soll ich bitte Dateien ohne Servernamen benennen?"
  echo ""
rm -f $OUT_DIR/$1.key
rm -f $OUT_DIR/$1.csr
rm -f $OUT_DIR/$1.crt
rm -f $OUT_DIR/$1.pem
sed "s/my_common_name/$1/g" $WORKING_DIR/openssl.conf.template > 
openssl genrsa -out $OUT_DIR/$1.key 2048
openssl req -config $WORKING_DIR/openssl.conf -new -key $OUT_DIR/$1.key -out 
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in $OUT_DIR/$1.csr -signkey $OUT_DIR/$1.key -out 
cat $OUT_DIR/$1.crt $OUT_DIR/$1.key > $OUT_DIR/$1.pem
echo ""
echo "Zertifikate wurden unter '$OUT_DIR/' erstellt."
echo $OUT_DIR/$1.key
echo $OUT_DIR/$1.csr
echo $OUT_DIR/$1.crt
echo $OUT_DIR/$1.pem
echo ""

chmod 600 $OUT_DIR/*
ls -l -h --color=tty -X --group-directories-first --time-style=long-iso 
echo ""
rm -f $WORKING_DIR/openssl.conf

[root@buildserver:~]$ cat /buildserver/ssl-cert/openssl.conf.template
[ req ]
prompt                          = yes
default_bits                    = 1024
distinguished_name              = req_DN
string_mask                     = nombstr
[ req_DN ]
countryName                     = "1. Landeskennung  "
countryName_default             = "AT"
countryName_min                 = 2
countryName_max                 = 2
stateOrProvinceName             = "2. Bundesland  "
stateOrProvinceName_default     = "Vienna"
localityName                    = "3. Stadt  "
localityName_default            = "Vienna"
0.organizationName              = "4. Firmenname  "
0.organizationName_default      = "the lounge interactive design gmbh"
organizationalUnitName          = "5. Abteilung  "
organizationalUnitName_default  = "Administration"
commonName                      = "6. Server-Name  "
commonName_max                  = 64
commonName_default              = "my_common_name"
emailAddress                    = "7. Mail-Adresse  "
emailAddress_max                = 40
emailAddress_default            = "hostmas...@thelounge.net"

I have heard some reports that browsers such as Chrome and MSIE balk at 1024 bit certs and that one should use 2048. I wonder if this is now a good idea when generating mailserver certs as well? Try to be more future proof? Or am I confused and thinking 512 and 1024? Either way, this is a good decision to think about so your users won't have to grab a new cert if you need to change it. The uninformed can get spooked by these things. I personally believe signed certs for mailservers should be free.

John Hinton
877-777-1407 ext 502
Comprehensive Online Solutions

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