On 12/24/2012 4:57 PM, Noel Jones wrote:

> Opinions differ on psbl.surriel and barracudacentral,
> but they are frequently used in scoring rather than outright.  A
> site listed on two of these three is likely spam, a site listed on
> only one of them is questionable.

Nonsense.  The mere fact that a listing on one DNSBL is absent on others
doesn't make it "questionable".  Many DNSBL operators have in fact been
working to decrease overlap amongst lists in recent years.  If everyone
listed the same IPs the world would do with a single DNSBL, mirrored
everywhere for load.

Recent rejection data here, in order of restriction, not including
inbuilt Postfix checks.  Direct rejection, no scoring/weighting, in SMTPD:

tables  6406

Zen      223
BRBL     757
PSBL      42

Zero FPs.


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