With the option to edit master.cf will come new opportunities 
to destroy a configuration.

Below is a first design for a "backup before edit" option.  If no
command is configured, then no backup will be made.  If the backup
command fails, then the postconf command will not edit the file.


postconf_backup_command (default: empty)

    Optional external command that the postconf(1) command executes
    before it attempts to modify the main.cf or master.cf file. The
    macro "$file" is replaced by the absolute pathname of the file.

    Note: the command is subject to $name expansion. Specify "$$"
    to produce a single "$" character.


    # This reuses the destination name when multiple edits are made
    # within the same second.
    backup_command = cp -p $file $file.saved.`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`

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