On 2013-01-14 Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 13.01.2013 23:18, schrieb Matthias Andree:
>> Sorry for the noise, and apologies for confusing two persons.
>> One has apparently learned their lesson, the other jumped to defend
>> the trespasser and has now resorted to insults rather than limiting
>> himself to pointing out the misaddressing.
> maybe the next time you should consider not reply offlist and explain
> somebody that he making himself to a monkey in the public and that he
> should configure his thunderbird or make a new thunderbird profile and
> RTFM as long you are not able to recognize who is who in a thread and
> do not understand what he tried to explain
> especially you should at least stop reply offlist after the one
> explained you that you are talking to the wrong person but you still
> continue your b***t

This conversation is extremely off-topic, so kindly stop dragging it
back on-list.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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