* Charles Bradshaw <b...@bradcan.homelinux.com>:
> I am considering switching my smptd from sendmail to postfix, but I am a
> little confused.
> The following snip from http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html
> "
> /etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf:
>     pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>     mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
> Do not specify any other mechanisms in mech_list than PLAIN or LOGIN when
> using saslauthd! It can only handle these two mechanisms, and authentication
> will fail if clients are allowed to choose other mechanisms.
> "
> Appears to be wrong! I have the sasl2 configuration:
> /etc/sasl2/Sendmail.conf:
>     pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>     mech_list: DIGEST-MD5 PLAIN
> Admittedly, I am using sendmail and not postfix so perhaps I have a miss
> configuartion somewhere. The server in question is using /etc/salsdb with some
> test users NOT having accounts on the server and the debug dialogs clearly
> show that DIGEST-MD5 is being used.
> The above quote, cut and paste from the readme, contains a clear enough
> statement, except for the grammer, ie the word "other" missing  between the
> words "mech_list" and "than". But:
> I'm confused because I have a solid, tested, working example which contradicts
> the postfix readme.
> Is the operation of Sendmail.conf somehow different to smtpd.conf?
> Further on the readme does say:
> /etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf:
>     pwcheck_method: auxprop
>     auxprop_plugin: sasldb
>     mech_list: CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
> Which also works.

This will work, because the auxprop mechanism 'sasldb' can handle plaintext
(PLAIN, LOGIN) and shared secret mechanisms (CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5).

> Is there a rational explanation or do I just put it down to a ghost in the
> machine?

I am confused too, because I had it first hand from Alexey Melnikov, who is
one of the main developers of Cyrus SASL, and he told me all saslauthd can
handle are plaintext mechanisms aka PLAIN and LOGIN.

Out of curiosity: Would you mind to download gen-auth
<http://jetmore.org/john/code/gen-auth>, make it executable and run a CRAM-MD5
AUTH session against your Sendmail server?

It would go along these lines:

telnet YOURSERVER 25
EHLO foo

The server then outputs a challenge (here: abcdefg0123456) string. Use that
string in gen-auth like this:

./gen-auth cram-md5 username password abcdefg0123456

gen-auth will return a respone string (here: 6543210gfedcba). Paste that back
into your telnet dialogue. If you get "Authentication successful" then I will
need to investigate further and I will update the documentation. If not you
just might have been lucky to offer PLAIN as alternative, which clients either
choose in the first (the client chooses the SASL MECH) or fell back to once
they had failed attempting CRAM-MD5.


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