On 1/29/2013 8:07 PM, Mike. wrote:

I implemented the postscreen capability on a small MTA I run for
friends and family.  Once I got postscreen configuration producing the
results I wanted, I soon tired of watching the detailed maillog to see
how postscreen was operating.  So I wrote a quick shell script to
summarize the log file and give me an overview of how well postscreen
is working.

I offer the script to anyone who would like to use it.   One company I
worked for would not allow open source software into the company unless
there was an explicit license on the software, so I put the BSD license
on the script.

You can download the script from here:

Thanks Mike.

The concept is really good but I must say it's a script for very small logs but in a system that the logs are in sizes of more then 100MB I assume your script will be very slow.

How are you in other scripting languages?
I have been working with Ruby\Perl\Python\Bash and for me Ruby is the most intuitive and seems like capable of doing this task easily.


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