
I have list servers that send mails through another relay servers. With this configuration all mail sent from our mail servers are delivered through our relay servers. All servers use postfix (list servers use 2.7.0 and relay 2.5.5)

We are having problems with dns lookups to one domain. I know is not a postfix problem, but a dns configuration error in that domain. But it is affecting our servers.

The problem is that whenever the relay server receives a mail directed to that domain, I get the error "conversation with <mail server> timed out while sending MAIL FROM". And as list server group messages, all recipients in that group as rejected.

I've been looking for the problem on that domain and is a timeout problem. Due to some problem in its configuration, I've never have an answer (the domain exists, but it doesn't answer).

So I would like to configure some kind of dns lookup timeout in my relay servers, so if the query is not answered I could reject the message with a dns error instead of timing out the connection.

        Is this possible? How?


Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
Tfo: 868889150
Fax: 868888337

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