On 21/02/2013 15:32, Erik Slagter wrote:
On 21-02-13 13:04, DTNX Postmaster wrote:

Please help me with the following. I have here a postfix system that
listens on multiple (external) interfaces, e.g. one of them receives
e-mail from the internet, one of them receives more or less secure mail
from associated institutions.

E-mail received on the "internet" interface receives full processing,
including amavis which calls spamassassin (by proxy filter) and it
should offer "may" level TLS (no discussion about that please ;-)).

The e-mail received on the "secure" interface receives limited
processing, e.g. no amavis and it doesn't need to offer TLS.

Besides that there are also a few "internal" interfaces postfix listens
on as well, with minimal processing, but with dkim signing.

So there are actually multiple flows through the system, depending on
the interface the mail was received on.

I want to start using postscreen. Of course I am not going to "test" in
a production environment, so I made a comparable postfix installation
and with that installation I ran into a problem:

The options (-o) that I specify on the various per-interface smtpd
instances are NOT honoured anymore. I can check that quite easily
because the hello string varies per interface and also TLS is no longer
offered (disabled in the main.cf and enable on a per-interface basis in
the master.cf file). When I revert to non-postscreen operation, it works
like expected.

Is this intentional? A know bug? Or something I should do another way?
Anyone that has this configuration running, with postscreen?

I must say the "howto" isn't very clear on this matter, it assumes you
only have only one external interface.

Thanks in advance.

Have you followed those instructions?

Yes I did (of course).

The README does NOT give any information on the use of multiple
interfaces. It says "change ... into ..." but my master file doesn't
have these lines. It would be much better if it would explain HOW it
works so you can do the adjustments yourself.

AFAIK, you can bind 'postscreen' to a specific interface by specifying
a hostname or an IP address in front of the port name or number in
'master.cf';   inet   ....   postscreen

And then have a regular Postfix instance on a seperate address;   inet   ....   smtpd

I tried another variant: inet ... postscreen
     -o options... inet ... smtpd
     -o options...

This resembles the approach in the README most closely.

Postfix does start, but it doesn't honour the options, on both
instances. It's very simple to check, because I have postcheck report
another welcome string on every interface. Now it shows the "default"
welcome string, without postscreen, it gives the proper welcome string.

It's mine:

postscreen_greet_banner = $smtpd_banner/Postscreen enabled

If you cannot simplify your setup, you may need this;

Read that too. It is not completely clear to me, but I suspect this
gives me multiples queues too, which is not what I want, I want to route
e-mail between all interfaces.

Other than that, post proof that options are not honored anymore. The
most likely cause is that you are trying to apply something to
'postscreen' that is only supported for 'smtpd'?

See above, SMTP welcome string. Which I added as an option to both the
smtpd and the postscreen line... None of them were honoured.

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