Noel Jones:
> > Earlier today I noticed a spammer using my Postfix server as a relay
> > to send out spam. This was puzzling because i had all requisite anti
> > relay host settings applied. Further, it was particularly alarming
> > that Postfix seemed to be receiving the spam messages from localhost
> > as indicated: 
> > 
> > connect from localhost.localdomain[] 
> If postfix logs a connection from, the connection *really
> is* from localhost.  Maybe you were looking at a content_filter log
> line?

I agree (and I wrote this code). The Postfix SMTP server logs

    connect from localhost.localdomain[]

when the connection is made from a local IP address (for example a
local content filter, or a local application) and you have
localhost.localdomain in /etc/hosts (or in DNS but that's unlikely).

In contrast, the Postfix SMTP server logs

    connect from unknown[x.x.x.x]

for connections that come from a remote IP address that has a PTR
record of localhost.

Also, the Postfix SMTP server is hard-coded to log

    connect from localhost[]

(no "localdomain here) when invoked as "sendmail -bs". In that case
there is no IP address and I just make it up.

Only the first of the three forms matches what you report.


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