/dev/rob0 opined on Wednesday 06-Mar-2013@17:26:02
> On Wed, Mar 06, 2013 at 11:52:35AM -0700, LuKreme wrote:
>> The bad word begins with u and then is followed by n, s, u, b, an 
>> archaic word meaning a person who is employed in writing, and then 
>> a final d.
>> u, n, s, u, b,
>> scribe 
>> d
> Cute. :)
>> I [bad word] from a mailing list but the company continues to send 
>> emails, so I was considering adding them to my header_checks.pcre 
>> file
>> /^Received:.*cinemark\.com /
>>     REJECT You refuse to respect [badword-d] requests, welcome to
>>     the blacklist.
>> But I thought, before I do this, I better double check that this is 
>> the best way to do this.
> Almost surely not. You probably want a check_client_access 
> restriction to reject all mail from that[those] IP address[es]. Even 
> a check_sender_access would be better.

I have no way of knowing all the IPs, they use some remailer service, and I don 
not want to block the remailer because they are not the problem.

> A good rule of thumb: never do something in the message content if 
> you can accomplish the same thing with the envelope. Another one: 
> header_checks(5) are rarely useful.

I find the date checks useful (to reject messages with future/past dates).

There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still So
they break the hearts of kith and kin, And they roam the world at will.

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