grarpamp wrote:
> I've done - (qmail) to + (postfix) hurriedly in the past to avoid a
> meta issue. Other users migration or dual uses aside, with that
> one I wanted to but did not have benefit to research whether
> + or - had better merits. Such as which is in more common use now,
> which is trending to be more prevalent in the long term. And why?
> Honestly, best I could come up with was the large - legacy from
> decade old qmail-like installations, and not requiring the shift key
> seemed to win, heh :) I'm sure there are more sound thoughts
> on the matter in a paper somewhere.

- has the fairly significant advantage of being allowed on more sites
that try to validate "well-formed" email addresses - often in
Javascript.  Many such validators reject + in an email address.  :(


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