On Apr 9, 2013, at 19.56, Quanah Gibson-Mount <qua...@zimbra.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to fix my virtual domain configuration with postfix, which as 
> noted in a prior discussion was done incorrectly by some unknown to me person 
> in the past.
> The main issue right now is that it has:
> virtual_transport = error
> which I was told makes little sense, so I'm trying to correct our 
> configuration.
> First, all of our data is stored in LDAP (domains, users, etc).  For my test 
> setup, the "real" domain is zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com.  I've created a 
> virtual (alias) domain "example.com".
> With my default configuration, if I send mail to u...@example.com AND the 
> user exists as u...@zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com, mail delivery occurs.

likely, the reason this "works" is because virtual_transport is never being 
used, if actual delivery for every recipient is passed off somewhere else via 
lmtp as you seem to perhaps indicate below.

> postmap on my base transport works for this:
> zimbra@zre-ldap002:~$ postmap -q u...@zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com 
> ldap:/opt/zimbra/conf/ldap-transport.cf
> lmtp:zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com:7025

please supply postconf -nf and postconf -Mf, or if an older version, postconf 
-n and master.cf with comments removed.

what is lmtp:zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com:7025?  if you're not actually doing 
delivery with the postfix virtual(8) lda, i'd suggest that using virtual at all 
doesn't really make much sense.  instead, consider using the relay domain class.

also, based solely on the attribute names, it's not quite clear to me what 
exactly is supposed to happen with various scenarios.  that being said, using 
catchalls is rarely if ever a good idea.  they will be abused, and at the very 
least, problematic.

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