I have a setup with several virtual mailboxes, e.g. local1@, local2@.
Now I would like the local mail addresses to have some kind of mapping to external addresses:
local1@postfixserver <-> external1@externaldomain1
local2@postfixserver <-> external2@externaldomain2
If a mail arrives at postfix from external2 to recipient local1, I would like the following to happen: The mail should be forwarded with sender local2@ to recipient external1@ .
So incoming header looks like this: from external2, to local1
Outgoing header looks liks this: from local2, to external1
Does anyone know, if I can achieve this with postfix?
E.g. with some address rewriting feature? http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_REWRITING_README.html
I am very new to postfix, so I don't completely understand the manual here.  I could imagine, that I need to put the mapping local<->external into some configuration file?
I could imagine, that for incoming mails, adress rewriting will be done for the sender: if external2@externaldomain2 is found as sender, then sender will be rewritten to local2.
And for all incoming mails to local1 a copy is forwarded to external1
Kind Regards

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