Any screenshots would be highly appreciated. I'm currently using
Elasticsearch to store all my logs and Kibana for search. I was wondering
how this tool will help more.

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Nicolas HAHN <> wrote:

>  Dear Postfix Community,
> I'm writing for the first time there but working in the area of SMTP
> messaging since a long time. With Postfix, that I really love.
> The goal of my e-mail today is just to let you know that I'm working since
> some time on my open source GPLv3 project dedicated to *real time*postfix log 
> analysis, but not only log analysis.
> This project need several components to work fine, primarily a Linux
> server running Apache, Php, Rsyslog, postgreSQL 9.2, SNMPD, ... A lot of
> things are described in the INSTALL file.
> If you are interested by such project, you can find it on Sourceforge
> there:
> The archive I just uploaded this morning deal with Postfix version >=2.8.x
> logs.
> This tool is used in the United Nations datacenters, for Messaging
> Services, where I'm currently working as a messaging architect consultant.
> Depending of the processing power of the server, it is able to work with a
> mail flow of 1 million e-mails a day in real time. The version deployed in
> the UN also process Exchange servers logs in real time. The version I've
> packaged on sourceforge is a little bit in late (I need time to commit all
> my code) and is able to process Postfix logs only as of today.
> Some (and me too :-)) say it is much more powerfull than what Postini from
> Google is offering, especially if we consider it is working in real time.
> Version available on sourceforge in the tar.gz archive is 0.9.10.
> Version starting to process Exchange Servers logs is 0.9.11. It is
> comming...
> Also, I kept my tool "secret" since 2004 despite the fact I decided to
> make it under GPL, using it for my own needs as a small provider myself. I
> decided to publish it on sourceforge in 2011, when UN shown a big interest
> in it, and then I restarted the development. It means the Wiki is empty,
> the doc is enclosed in my brain, ... and all of this needs to be publicly
> available. that will take time...
> So, if you're interested, I can answer questions and provide help. It can
> be quite complex to install because of the dependencies needed.
> This project also need, as you may know, volunteers and talents, people to
> debug, ... I'm not the most talented coder of the world of course :) PHP
> code I produce as a PHP newbie for example, could be greatly enhanced,
> secured, and so on. I'm learning PHP the same time I'm coding this tool and
> it's not easy as I'm an old school C/C++ coder.
> In brief, a continuous effort is needed as usual.
> *NOTE: I've removed the attached screenshot because e-mail size is
> limited to  40000 characters.*
> Thanks for your attention
> Best regards,
> Nicolas

Abhijeet Rastogi (shadyabhi)

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