On Thu, May 02, 2013 at 10:31:43AM +1200, Ben WIlliams wrote:

> Please can someone help me understand how to configure what is attached to
> bounce messages.
> The version is postfix 2.3.3. Originally it only attached the message
> headers of the failed email with Content-Description: Undelivered Message
> Headers
> Now it attaches the entire failed email with Content-Description:
> Undelivered Message
> I would like to revert to the previous behaviour where only the headers are
> attached to the bounce.

This depends on the message size and the bounce size limit.


If you set

        bounce_size_limit = 1

bounces will only include headers (no rfc822 message fits in a
single byte). Postfix does not permit setting the limit to zero or less.


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