We are seeing an intermittent issue in our Postfix logs where we see all outbound threads (smtp) stop delivering email or logging anything while the active queue continues to grow. This indicates to me that all active smtp threads are hanging, since nothing from the smtp threads are recorded in the logs at all. During this time, inbound email is coming in fine and smtpd continues to log activity, while the smtp threads slowly die one by one, over the course of several minutes. Once all smtp threads finally die, the number of smtp threads instantly jumps to the max of 110 and outbound email delivery (and logging) continues.

We are going to try to catch it when it's actually happening so that we can run an strace on one of these hung smtp processes... but I'm curious if these symptoms are something others have seen before and could share some insights as to the possible cause. What I'm most curious about is why would Postfix wait for all existing smtp threads to die before spawning new threads to handle a rapidly growing active queue?

We are running Postfix 2.9.1.



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