On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 01:03:04PM +1000, Carl Brewer wrote:

> Firstly, the doco I've read suggests that every mailbox needs an
> entry in the virtual_mailbox_maps file, with my current sendmail
> setup sendmail checks against Cyrus for if a mailbox exists and has
> no (or at least not very many, and they're aliases etc) direct lists
> of email addresses.

The Cyrus check you perform with Sendmail is also a table lookup,
the table happens to be maintained by Cyrus.  Can you make this
data available via one of the table types supported by Postfix?

        - cdb
        - Berkeley DB
        - LDAP
        - PgSQL
        - MySQL
        - tcp
        - ...

> Does Postfix require a list of all email
> addresses or can it pull this from cyrus in realtime like Sendmail
> does (means I can admin it mostly just using cyradm). The realtime
> sendmail integration is from here :
> http://www.jmaimon.com/sendmail/anfi.homeunix.net/sendmail/rtcyrus2.html

Perhaps someone would like to contribute a table driver for the Cyrus
socketmap interface, or you could query it via a "tcp" table.

> If I'm using unix domain separators (/) for cyrus's virtual domains,
> how do I tell Postfix about this? My Cyrus usernames are
> user/f...@bar.com

The above does not make sense (the "unix domain" part is a non
sequitur).  What is the public email address of a typical valid
user?  What is the mailbox SMTP address when this is internally
forwarded to Cyrus?  Do you really include "/" in the local part
of user email addresses?

> Is there anyone out there with a working cyrus, virtual domains and
> postfix setup (there must be 100's!) who's got a solid howto
> somewhere? The one on the postfix website is blank :
> http://www.postfix.org/CYRUS_README.html

At previous employer Cyrus was used with users defined in LDAP.


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