On 2013-06-04 Steve Jenkins wrote:
> I keep catching myself typing "postfix.org" and expecting to end up on
> the Postfix website, and then realizing that I need to put the "www"
> subdomain on there.
> Wietse: I'm sure you're aware of how to use mod_rewrite to redirect
> web traffic from postfix.org to www.postfix.org, but I'm curious as to
> why you haven't. Is it a mere old-school approach (totally
> respectable) from when nearly every website had the www prefix, or is
> there some other reason?

mod_rewrite wouldn't help with this, because there is no domain A record
for postfix.org.

cobalt@iridium:~ $ host -t a postfix.org
postfix.org has no A record

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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