Nikolas Kallis:
> On 10/06/13 03:11, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 03:07:59AM +1000, Nikolas Kallis wrote:
> >
> >>>> Is using 'reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname' and
> >>>> 'reject_invalid_helo_hostname' even neccessary when using
> >>>> 'reject_unknown_helo_hostname'?
> >>>
> >>> You seem to have decided that the client HELO name is a silver
> >>> bullet against spam and the evils of RFC non-conformance.
> >>
> >> You're wrong.
> >
> > Since you already know what you're doing, and don't need any advice,
> > there is not much point in continuing this thread.  Good luck.
> >
> LOL. You are a fuckin retard.

We don't tolerate this language on this list. I hereby terminate
your subscription and ask other moderators to terminate you
should you decide to return.


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