
On 09.06.2013 18:12, Charles Marcus wrote:
> On 2013-06-09 10:34 AM, Zhang Huangbin <zhbmaillisto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 10:09 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
>>> Dovecot uses login_log_format_elements to determine what it logs for
>>> login attempts... you'll find the variables it supports here:
>>> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Variables?highlight=%28login_log_format_elements%29
>>> Mine (which logs the username) looks like:
>>> login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lport=%{lport}
>>> mpid=%e %c session=<%{session}>
>> This works for IMAP/POP3/Managesieve services provided by Dovecot, and
>> logged in Dovecot log file, but it won't appear in Postfix/Dovecot
>> log files for
>> SMTP service.
> Hmmm... well, I definitely see the usernames on my system
> (postfix+dovecot) for both successful and unsuccessful logins...
> successful login:
> 2013-06-09T10:50:38-04:00 myhost postfix-587/smtpd[5807]: E9482B73AF4:
> client=client.example.com[], sasl_method=PLAIN,
> sasl_username=myu...@example.com
> bad password:
> 2013-06-09T11:02:38-04:00 myhost postfix-587/smtpd[5903]: connect from
> myclient.example.com[###.###.###.###]
> 2013-06-09T11:02:38-04:00 myhost dovecot: auth-worker(5904):
> sql(validu...@example.com,###.###.###.###): Password mismatch
> invalid username:
> 2013-06-09T11:01:45-04:00 myhost postfix-587/smtpd[5903]: connect from
> myclient.example.com[###.###.###.###]
> 2013-06-09T11:01:50-04:00 myhost dovecot: auth-worker(5904):
> sql(invalidu...@example.com,###.###.###.###): unknown user
> So, it is possible...

I just enabled "login_log_format_elements" as:
login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lport=%{lport}
service=%s mpid=%e %c session=<%{session}>

I get more info than usual (service, mpid, session) but still nothing
for smtp. Clearly, I'm missing something. Probably my dovecot/postfix
combo is too old.

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