On 8/14/2013 7:14 AM, Philippe Bloix wrote:
> Thanks for your response
> I'm not a spammer :-), i'm working in a telecom firm where we send emails
> to our customers.

Ok, so you're a telecom company and the receivers in question are your

> In fact, it's not easy to contact  some receivers who is rate limiting,

So even though the receivers are your customers, it's "not easy to
contact them"?  So you're telling us you do not have contact information
on file for your customers.  How do you bill them for your services?
And yet you want to email addresses at said customer domains at a rate
of 10/sec.  Obviously you do have a way of contacting them, yes?  What
type of emails are you sending your customers whom you're unable to
contact, that require such a rate as to prompt them to rate limit you?

> then in theses cases the goal is to reduce the rate per sec (about 10 mails
> per domain per sec); 

You're a "telecom firm".  You're flooding your CUSTOMERS, whom you are
not able to "easily" contact.  They are rate limiting you due to the
flood of mail.  So instead of contacting them to work this out, you
instead want to circumvent their rate limiting.

Sorry "Philippe" but I'm calling BS on this.  Nothing you've said here
makes any sense.  Nobody floods their own customers to the point that
said customers enable rate limits.  They'd contact you first before
enabling limits, yet you claim it's "not easy" to contact them.

All of this is doubletalk Bull$hit.

> i'm astonished that postfix (without addons) is not
> allowed to do that but at best  only 1 mail per domain per sec.

Postfix is not a good platform for sending spam.  You should find other
software to do this with.  Maybe botnet rental is a good choice for you.


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