Hello all,
I'm looking for a bit of help on a complicated scenario that I can't seem
to get to work.

I have mail that comes into a server a server with both a to and 'original
to' address

What i would like to achieve is that mail going to the to addresses to go
through a smarthost instead of local maildir delivery

Things I've tried removing the 'original to' domains from the domains
Failed because it still checks against the table even though the "to"
domain is there the "original to" fails.

I've tried header checks but I can't quite get the false regex to work
correctly because it evaluates every line of the header of so.

Ive tried the sender_based stuff and neither worked.
Ive tried the transport address based rules but that affects both the
internet and local since the original to address still gets picked up for
routing instead of the to

So the questions are:
Any way to have postfix accept mail for a domain from the internet but when
local mailboxes relay to those same domains have it route through a
smarthost or mx record.


Any way to limit header_checks to checking just one line?

Thank you for the time and possible assistance

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