>On Sep 20, 2013, at 18:21, azurIt <azu...@pobox.sk> wrote:
>>> CC: postfix-users@postfix.org
>>> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 10:42 AM, azurIt <azu...@pobox.sk> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i'm having problems with spam forwarding - lot's of our users enabled
>>>> forwarding to gmail and every spam they receive is also forwarded. Today
>>>> gmail block us because of spam (which we were just forwarding, not
>>>> sending). Any tips how can i disable forwarding in case of a spam (for
>>>> example, when message has X-Spam-Status: Yes) ? Thanks.
>>>> azur
>>> As a first line of defence, maybe use postscreen to cut down the spam
>>> before it reaches smtpd ?
>>> The postscreen documentation (http://www.postfix.org/POSTSCREEN_README.html)
>>> mentions four layers of defence, if you have some of that implemented, or
>>> all of it, you would be able to cut down on your incoming spam, before
>>> anything gets forwarded to Google or any other place.
>> Looks fine but i NEED to deliver also spams locally, i just don't want to 
>> forward them away.
>No one 'needs' to deliver spam locally. On a properly configured system, the 
>vast majority of spam bounces off the before-queue defenses, and never reaches 
>the stage where a decision about forwarding or local storage needs to be made. 
>If you are running into trouble with Gmail it is quite likely that you are 
>accepting too much garbage from bots and zombies.
>This is a problem you should solve at the earliest possible stage, which is 
>where postscreen comes in. Read the documentation again, and understand why it 
>should be part of your defenses.
>If you think your problem can be solved using header checks, read the 
>appropriate documentation;
>But really, start by cutting down on what you accept.

I don't believe in rejecting e-mails based on spam checks - there are and 
always be false positives. I will rather accept 100 spams than reject single 
legitimate e-mail message.

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