On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:17:25PM +0200, li...@rhsoft.net wrote:

> > Instead of improving the world by finally supporting EC, they've
> > made things worse!  Previously clients negotiated something other
> > than EECDH key exchange, now they negotiate it and fail!  Sorry to
> > say so, but the RedHat engineers need adult supervision.
> since you sound very knowledgeable about SSL may you consider
> to make a comment there?
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1019251

I have enough fish to fry.  The problem is obvious, client promises
EECDH support, server sends a standard curve name and the client
promptly fails because its list of supported curves is incomplete.

Of course you should capture a session with wireshark and see what
curve the server sends back to confirm this obvious interpretation.

> fine:     http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=471397
> crippled: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=471781
> with the first build no single error

I think you know what to do...

> > What site was your SMTP client connecting to?  IIRC Suite B supports
> > prime256v1 (aka secp256r1) and secp384r1.  Perhaps the SMTP server
> > decided to live on the bleeding edge with "secp521r1"
> as far as i can see in all 8 cases currently to GMX
> Oct 21 22:29:22 mail postfix/smtp[12289]: SSL_connect error to
>   mx00.gmx.net[]:25: -1
> Oct 21 22:29:22 mail postfix/smtp[12289]: warning: TLS library problem: 
> 12289:error:100AE081:elliptic curve
> routines:EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name:unknown group:ec_curve.c:316:
> Oct 21 22:29:22 mail postfix/smtp[12289]: warning: TLS library problem: 
> 12289:error:1408D010:SSL
> routines:SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE:EC lib:s3_clnt.c:1641:
> Oct 21 22:29:22 mail postfix/smtp[12289]: 3d3Tvy5Cdsz23: Cannot start TLS: 
> handshake failure

When I test connections to this host,  I always get "AES256-SHA",
and no EDH or kEECDH ciphers are accepted.  Did gmx.de change their
configuration to work around this?  Can you build posttls-finger (from 2.11)
and test with:

    $ posttls-finger -t30 -T 180 -p TLSv1.2 -Ldebug \
        -o tls_medium_cipherlist='kEECDH:kEDH:kRSA' \

do you get handshake failures?


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