On 10/28/2013 2:42 AM, alizaheer wrote:
> Hi
> i want to trigger hook when email come to t...@example.com or
> workroom-*@example.com.
> Problem: Regex not work in work access table
> (http://www.postfix.org/access.5.html)
> my /postfix/access file content is :
> t...@example.com FILTER myhook:dummy #(its working)
> /^workroom-.*@example\.com/ FILTER myhook:dummy #(its not working)
> my main.cf file i check recipient 
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
>     check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/access,
> Please help me to fix  access table regex issue.

To use regexp syntax, you must specify a regexp: table type.  Also,
you can't mix syntax types within the same file.

/^task@example\.com$/  FILTER myhook:dummy
/^workroom-.*@example\.com$/ FILTER myhook:dummy

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
    check_recipient_access regexp:/etc/postfix/access,
(more stuff required here but not shown)

  -- Noel Jones

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