On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 09:00:01AM +0100, Juerg Reimann wrote:
> I had a perfectly working Postfix configuration, but after a
> server restart something went weird. Postfix claims several
> users are unknown. It turns out that these are aliases from my
> virtual_alias_maps file. I have the following in main.cf:
> virtual_alias_maps = dbm:/etc/postfix/vmail/alias

Show "postconf -n".

Show complete NON-verbose logging for one such message.

Show "postmap -q address dbm:/etc/postfix/vmail/alias" where 
"address" is the virtual alias that you think should have worked.

Regarding Nik's reply, no, chroot does not sound likely, and map 
files do not need to be in a Postfix chroot; and no, verbose logs 
won't help.

  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
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