Anders Wegge Keller:
>  My analysis is that the remote system is making a dictionary attack, to try
> and see if it's possible to relay mail through my server that way.
> Unfortunately (for the spammer), postfix is configured with
> smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes, so the connection is rejected. However,
> can grow rather large, so I would like to have a sure-fire trigger in the
> log, that I can use to put an iptable block in place with fail2ban. 
>  So my question is: Is it possible to get a log entry for remote systems
> that tries do AUTH without having issued STARTTLS first?

No.  If a command is disabled or unknown then Postfix does not log
it.  That could fill the logfile quickly.

In the next release. There is a design to log the number of
successful/total commands in an SMTP session.

Your session would look like:

    disconnect from unknown[] ehlo=1 auth=0/1 unknown=2


    ehlo=1      1 successful ehlo, 1 total ehlo, 
    auth=0/1    0 successful auth, 1 total auth.
    unknown=2   2 unknown commands

That would make failed AUTH commands easy to recognize, and 
in many cases help to diagnose trouble without having to 
turn on Postfix verbose logging.


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