On Fri, 08 Aug 2014 08:43:23 -0500
Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org> wrote:

> On 8/8/2014 6:36 AM, richard lucassen wrote:

> > Is it possible to manage the verify database manually? E.g. remove a
> > negative address entry?
> > 
> > I forward mail to backend servers and when a backend server gives a
> > "5xx no such user", the negative entry is stored 3 hours (default).
> > I'd like to be able to remove such an entry manually.
> The default negative expire is 3 days, with a refresh time of 3
> hours. This might be too long for some folks.

Normally it's not IMHO, but sometimes it's rather annoying.

> If you often have problems with bad addresses turning into good
> addresses, better to reduce the negative cache time to a few
> minutes.  This should still be sufficient to keep the backend from
> being hammered with repeated bad addresses.
> address_verify_negative_refresh_time = 10m
> address_verify_negative_expire_time = 15m

I already found that in the docs :)
> It is possible to remove entries from the verify database manually,
> but it's disruptive because you **must** stop postfix before
> maintenance.
> - postfix stop
> - postmap -d u...@example.com btree:/path/to/verify_cache
> - postfix start

Ok, that's what I was looking for. Thnx!


It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak
aloud and remove all doubt.

| Richard Lucassen, Utrecht                                        |

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